I have been to ProFormance Physical Therapy several times over the years.

I have been to ProFormance Physical Therapy several times over the years.

I have been to ProFormance Physical Therapy several times over the years. The last time was May 2013. I fell at home while planting a tree; I am 63 years old. I messed up my back, ribs, and side muscles. My main person working on me was Brandon; he was very professional, diagnosed my problems, always asked on scale of 1 to 10 what pain I was in, and explained all the exercises very plainly and how they were healing my body. They are a very courteous and friendly staff; they made appointments to suit my time frame, sent reminder e-mails and calls to let me know when my appointment was. Always called back about 1 week after last appointment to check on how I was doing. They also treated me with hot, cold, and electrodes, all of which really helped me out. I would recommend ProFormance Physical Therapy to anyone and I do – very friendly, knowledgeable and experienced people. Sometimes being in front of other people in shorts and T-shirt while crippled can be intimidating – I did not feel this way at ProFormance. I felt like I was with family – very comforting.